
Process & Automation Design

Selcom Group is a market leader in electronic components, automation and process innovation.

Production varies from sector to sector, and we are proud to say that our flexible approach to production is without doubt one of our greatest strengths.
Despite the use of DFM+DFT technology (Design for Manufacturability and Testability), there is always a chance that projects can end up breaking certain production rules, leading to unacceptable deviations from quality standards at process level. That’s where Process Design & Automation (PD&A) comes into play, enabling us to determine the very best manufacturing and production flow strategies, identifying the plan that's most suitable for each individual product.
For large volumes, the PD&A unit is able to configure highly automated production lines, which integrate and optimize the assembly of SMT and PTH components with other manually inserted parts.
We are proud to have an excelling PD&A department, enabling all Selcom Group companies to achieve extraordinary results in terms of quality and competitiveness.